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Characters from Scott's Novels

This table below, shows a list of the characters which appear as statues on the Monument. It lists the novel in which that character appears and the position on the Monument where the statue can be found. Clicking on the name will give you more information about that character.

Character Novel Statue Position
The Abbess Marmion (poem, not a novel) East façade
Amy Robsart Kenilworth Upper north west buttress
Bailie Nicol Jarvie Rob Roy Lower south west buttress
Balfour of Burley Old Mortality West façade
Baron Bradwardine Waverley Upper north west buttress
Caleb Balderstone The Bride of Lammermoor North façade
Charles I The Monastery, The Abbot and Old Mortality Next to the museum window
Claverhouse Old Mortality South façade
Constance of Beverley Marmion (poem, not a novel) South façade
Davie Deans The Heart of Midlothian North façade
Diana Vernon Rob Roy Lower south east buttress
Dirk Hatteraick Guy Mannering West façade
The Dougal Cratur Rob Roy West façade
Dugald Dalgetty A Legend of Montrose East façade
The Earl of Leicester Kenilworth Upper north west buttress
Edie Ochiltree The Antiquary Upper north east buttress
Edith of Lorn The Lord of the Isles (poem, not a novel) Lower north west buttress
Effie Deans The Heart of Midlothian West façade
The Fair Maid of Perth The Fair Maid of Perth West façade
Flora MacIvor Waverley Lower north east buttress
Friar Tuck Ivanhoe Upper south east buttress
George Buchanan Tales of a Grandfather and The Fortunes of Nigel West façade
George Heriot The Fortunes of Nigel Lower south west buttress
The Glee Maiden The Fair Maid of Perth lower north west buttress
Gurth Ivanhoe South façade
Hal o’ the Wynd The Fair Maid of Perth Lower north west buttress
Halbert Glendinning Monastery and The Abbot Lower south west buttress
Helen MacGregor Rob Roy West façade
Ivanhoe Ivanhoe East façade
James VI and I The Fortunes of Nigel Upper south west buttress
Jeanie Deans The Heart of Midlothian Lower north east buttress
John Knox The Monastery, The Abbot and Old Mortality Next to the museum window
Julia Mannering Guy Mannering West façade
Knight Templar Ivanhoe East façade
The Lady of Avenel The Monastery and The Abbot East façade
The Laird of Dumbiedikes The Heart of Midlothian Lower north east buttress
Lucy Ashton The Bride of Lammermoor West façade
Madge Wildfire The Heart of Midlothian North façade
Magnus Troil The Pirate Upper south west buttress
Minna Troil The Pirate Lower south west buttress
Montrose A Legend of Montrose South façade
Old Mortality Old Mortality Upper north east buttress
Oliver Cromwell Woodstock South façade
Peter Peebles Redgauntlet South façade
Piercie Shafton The Monastery East façade
Queen Elizabeth Kenilworth South façade
Queen Mary The Abbot Lower south east buttress
Ravenswood The Bride of Lammermoor North façade
Rebecca Ivanhoe Lower south east buttress
Richard Coeur de Lion Ivanhoe, The Betrothed and The Talisman Upper south east buttress
Richie Moniplies The Fortunes of Nigel East façade
Robert the Bruce The Lord of the Isles (poem, not a novel) Upper north east buttress
Rob Roy Rob Roy West façade
Rose Bradwardine Waverley West façade
Saladin The Talisman Upper south east buttress
Wayland Smith Kenilworth South façade

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