Portrait of Dr. William S. Bruce |
Scientific staff and crew of the Princesse Alice |
Dr William S Bruce and scientific staff of the Scotia |
Scientific staff and officers of the Princesse Alice |
Dr William S Bruce and others landing at Bjona Haven in 1912 |
William S Bruce at camp in 1899 |
William S Bruce and party planting Saltire flag on Saddle Island |
Track of Balaena 1892-93 |
William S Bruce landing at Millport |
Telegram from William S Bruce in Buenos Aires to his wife in Edinburgh |
Paper read by William S Bruce at the British Association meeting in Glasgow, September 1901 |
William S Bruce's barometer |
Royal Geographical Society patron's medal presented to William S Bruce in 1910 |
The Patrick Neill Medal of the Royal Society of Edinburgh presented to William S Bruce in 1913 |
William S Bruce's Verascope stereoscopic camera |
William S Bruce's cap, with the insignia of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition |
Gold medal of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, presented to William S Bruce in 1904 |
Family photograph of Mrs Jessie Bruce and Eillium Bruce |