The present Craiglockhart
campus of Napier University in Edinburgh was built as a hydropathic hotel
to make use of the natural spring waters of St Margaret's Well. The
Hydropathic was requisitioned by the British army in October 1916 as a
hospital for officers suffering from psychological trauma as a result of battlefield
conditions during the First World War. The Head Gardener of the Hydropathic,
Henry Carmichael, continued to work at Craiglockhart throughout the War and
the Carmichael family contributed to the pursuit
of victory, not least through the sacrifice of their lives. The Commandant
of the hospital was Major Bryce and its chief medical
officers were Drs Rivers and Brock.
The Matron during most of this period was Margaret McBean. The therapeutic
regime instituted by Rivers and Brock treated 'shell-shock'
as evidence neither of cowardice nor of insanity but rather as the reaction
of ordinary men to extraordinary circumstances. Rivers, acquainted with Freud,
used a 'talking cure', particularly with Siegfried
Sassoon; Brock believed in the importance of social activity, encouraging
Wilfred Owen to edit the hospital magazine,
The Hydra, to which Sassoon contributed one of his finest war poems, 'Dreamers'.