Sassoon, Owen and Graves
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The War's effect on ordinary people
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Pat Barker's trilogy
Music, prose and trench art
The Carmichael Family - those who went to war 3
Those who went to war 3
Jack and Hamie
As early as 1917, it was recognised that war neuroses accounted for one in seven of all personnel discharged for disabilities from the British Army. Once wounds were excluded, emotional disorders were responsible for one in three of all discharges. The British Government realised that treatment for neurasthenia was required in order to restore the maximum number of men to duty as quickly as possible. It was with this understanding that Craiglockhart War Hospital opened its doors in 1916.
Donald Carmichael in uniform
Henry continued his work as Head Gardener at the newly requisitioned War Hospital. The twelve acres of gardens and the adjacent wooded hill surrounding the hospital kept Henry busy. Henry would also have been responsible for the maintenance of the tennis courts, croquet lawns, archery-grounds and bowling greens which remained at Craiglockhart following its time as a Hydropathic. The croquet lawns were of a particularly high standard and were used to host Scottish Tournament matches, the Scottish Championship Medal and the Macfie Prize.

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Those who went to war 1