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Correct answer

Good choice! The French are famous for their winemaking. Wine made here is the best in Europe. It is a popular drink among the wealthy in Berwick too!

Trade routes between Berwick and Rouen


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scenario 4

After a safe passage across the sea, you arrive in Rouen. After a bit of haggling, a merchant there sells you some wine in exchange for some bags of wool and some coins. A bargain considering how popular the wine is at home.

A number of monasteries own property in Berwick and they are always interested in buying wine – to drink with their meals as well and as part of their religious duties.

When you visit the Cistercian monks in the Briggate, they come up with a very interesting idea.

The Burgess - Making money in the burgh
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the outcome
Map showing trade routes between Berwick and Rouen in France.
Sherds of pottery
Evidence of imports abroard. Sherds of pottery jugs found in Aberdeen dating from the 13th and 14th century. They may have been used to transport wine.