World history during the heroic age of Antarctic exploration
The exploration of the Arctic and Antarctic were taking place in a world very different from today. Here are a few of the events of the heroic age.

- The 1890s
- Klondike gold rush
- Forth rail bridge opened
- Zip fastener invented
- Keir Hardie elected as the first Socialist MP
- Electric chair first used
- US 7th Cavalry kill 153 Minnconjou Sioux at Wounded Knee
- Tchaikovsky dies
- First ascent of Mount Kenya made by Mackinder
- Herman Melville - author of Moby Dick - dies
- X-rays discovered
- Olympic Games revived after 1,500 years
- Boer War
- 1900-1910
- First flight of the Zeppelin airship
- Allies march on Peking (Beijing)
- Coca-Cola arrives in Britain
- First Nobel prizes
- First aircraft flight made by the Wright brothers
- Queen Victoria dies
- Women's suffrage movement
- Boy Scout movement founded by Baden Powell
- London hosts the Olympic Games
- Trans-Siberian Railway completed
- San Francisco earthquake
- Albert Einstein publishes his theory of relativity
- Peary reaches the North Pole
- 1911-1920
- Amundsen reaches the South Pole
- Titanic hits iceberg and sinks
- The Ford Model-T becomes the first assembly-line car
- First world war, 1914-18
- Lusitania sunk
- Battle of the Falkland Islands
- Revolution in Russia
- Spanish influenza claims more lives than the first world war
- British Summer Time introduced
- League of Nations formed
- Ernest Rutherford splits the atom
- Prohibition in USA - sale and consumption of alcohol is banned