Glasgow Digital Library Voyage of the Scotia BRUCE PEOPLE SHIP ANTARCTIC INDEX
Voyage of the Scotia 1902-04

People of the Expedition

Two figures at a tent in the snow

image from Springburn Virtual Museum

While the 1902-1904 Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, organised and led by Scottish scientist and explorer William S Bruce in the exploration ship SY Scotia, was based on Laurie Island in the South Orkney Islands, the opportunity was taken to make an accurate topographical survey of the island, as existing maps had proved to be misleading.

Since the nature of the terrain made overland travel almost impossible, most journeys were undertaken round the coast, by boat or sledge depending on conditions. Camps were set up near the shore using special pyramidical tents with tunnel entrances to exclude drifting snow.

In contrast with the previous image (032-044), here we see two members of the party dressed for colder weather, alongside their tent with boat and oars.

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Glasgow Digital Library Voyage of the Scotia BRUCE PEOPLE SHIP ANTARCTIC INDEX