This series of three photographs taken by Antonia Reeve, show
a head being remodelled and fitted to one of the damaged statues
on the Monument.
The first photo shows a niche in the Monument containing the character
statue of Gurth. Gurth is depicted as a rather wild character, dressed
in sheepskin and holding a stave, with a small dog at his feet.
But he is in a poor condition - his head is missing and he is covered
in white bird ‘guano’.
A sculptor/stonemason would model missing elements and details,
like Gurth's head, in clay from the original photograph (as shown
in the second image above). Once this was complete, the newly modelled
head was checked against the original figure for size and accuracy
(see photo 3) and a stone replacement carved, which was then attached
to the statue.
This was done for all replacement sculptural details.