
A typical motif in Gothic Architecture is stylised carved foliage
as seen in this photograph. This kind of detail can be seen on most
Gothic architecture, and was used to good effect by George Meikle
Kemp on the Scott Monument. The image shows how well Binny sandstone
takes carved detailing.

The figure is Dominie Sampson from the novel The Antiquary in a very characteristic pose.
The statue is described in History of the Scott Monument, Edinburgh, 2nd edn
(Edinburgh: Printed for the Magistrates and Town Council, 1890), p. 98. Sampson is one of eight
figures not mentioned on the site. The others are Ellen Douglas, The Last Minstrel, and Meg Merrilees (First Gallery)
and Mause Headrigg, Meg Dods, and Dandie Dinmont (Fourth Gallery).