John MacDonald - First Lord of the Isles

Territorial harmony

correct answer

Correct answer

Your meeting with David II goes well. You are very convincing! He agrees to reconfirm your territories in the west.

Good. You are successful once again. You are on good terms with David II. However, word has spread that he desires a marital union with the English Crown. These rumours damage your reputation among the Gaelic people. Aren't you the son of Aonghas Og, the great leader who joined Robert the Bruce in the fight against the English?

Despite your lack of popularity in the Gaelic community, you know that survival depends upon supporting the strongest party.

scenario 1
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scenario 3 selected
the facts
A patriotic description of Robert the Bruce's victory at Bannockburn, from Walter Bower's Scotichronicon. Aonghas Og was among the 'few men' who supported Bruce.
the outcome
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scenario 4
David II in power. Drawing of the royal seal of David II, dating from 1329.