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intro and mission

Correct answer

You set up a 'safe-conduct' for Douglas wherein he is guaranteed safety as he comes to Stirling Castle. You want to make a deal with him. Things are looking positive.

Engraving of Edinburgh

Peace, once and for all

King card
the facts
scenario 1
scenario 2
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scenario 4

Despite all your honourable intentions, Douglas refuses your bargaining. Suddenly passions flare. Anger builds up and you stab him!

This murder will stir up a great deal of trouble within the Douglas family. You must move with caution and remain calm. Can you make it look like an accident?

As King of Scotland you have a strong power of influence. You appeal the murder was done in 'hot blood'. It was not a pre-meditated, cold-blooded murder at all! You are in the clear. Well done, you got away with it! Luckily you've got some loyal biographers to make sure your name is clear.

James II - A marriage of convenience
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the outcome
Evidence of bloody times. Iron knife blade, 14th or 15th century, from Threave Castle, Kirkcudbrightshire, stronghold of the 'Black' Douglases.