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Correct answer

This is the most appropriate choice. You take the hand of Mary of Gueldres. She is an 'attractive' catch: wealthy, of good social standing, with strong bloodlines.

Mons Meg

Burgundy beauty

King card
the facts
scenario 1 selected
scenario 2
scenario 3
scenario 4

You marry Mary of Gueldres, the daughter of the Duke of Gueldres (Gelderland) and neice of the powerful Duke of Burgundy. Part of your marriage settlement is a set of cannons much more advanced than any native weaponry. What a deal! Artillery is one of your favourite things.

new scenario button
the outcome
Heraldic portrait of James II of Scotland and Mary of Gueldres
Mons Meg, one of two great guns given to James II by the Duke of Burgundy in 1457.
James II - A marriage of convenience
Heraldic portrait of James II of Scotland and Mary of Gueldres, including the arms of Scotland (the lion rampant) and the arms of the Duke of Gueldres.