James Craigs plan for
the Edinburgh New Town reserved two plots for churches to serve
the new residential suburb. Each of these was in a prime
location on one of the two squares which were expected to prove the
most prestigious addresses in the new development, St Andrews
Square in the east and Charlotte Square in the west. Indeed,
the two were sited so that they faced each other across their
respective squares and along the axis of George Street, the central
street in the New Town, running along the crest of the ridge to the
north of the old part of the City of Edinburgh and connecting the two squares.
If St George's Church had been built to Adam's design, it would
have attracted the eye and acted as a focal point for the west side
of Charlotte Square without overpowering its neighbours.
Click to see large image.
image by Nick Simpson at Pixelit from computer model
by Sandy Kinghorn |
These two churches were the only public buildings shown on the map of
the New Town engraved and published in 1768,1
apart from a small square, labelled "public building," on
the site later occupied by Register
House. The City authorities encouraged the Register
House Trustees to locate their new building at the east end of the
New Town, considering that it "would turn out to the advantage
of the City and would promote the
feuing out of the grounds on the north of the Bridge."2
They also allowed the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh to
build their new Physicians Hall in George Street in the New Town,3
the foundation stone of which was laid on 27th November 1775.
Whether or not it was encouraged by the existence of these public
buildings, development of the New Town continued steadily, and by
1780 almost all of the plots on St Andrews Square had been feued,4
and there had come to be a sizeable population in the area.
The fact that there was still no church, even though public buildings
- not part of the original plan - had been constructed, led to a
complaint to the Council by Sir James Hunter Blair, a former Lord
Provost, in 1781.5
The City Council agreed to build a church.
The Council bore responsibility for this. Under Scottish law,
it was at this date the responsibility of the heritor or heritors
(the principal landowners) of a parish, to provide a church building,
paying for its building or rebuilding if necessary. It lay with
the Council, as the landowners encouraging the development of the New
Town - and as still the largest single landowner in the area - to pay
for the building of a church to serve the population.
Due to some underhand dealings, the site in St Andrews Square
supposedly reserved for a church had already been feued to Sir
Laurence Dundas,6whose
house there still survives, and the new church, dedicated
nevertheless to St Andrew, was built on George Street between 1782
and 1784, immediately opposite the Physicians Hall which had been
largely completed in 1779.7
St Andrews Church (today known as St Andrews and St
Georges) is an oval building, at that point uniquely so in
Britain. It is a building worthy of the New Town and which
would have been worthy of the site on St Andrews Square which
had been purloined by Sir Laurence Dundas.
When, therefore, Robert Adam was commissioned to provide designs
for the terraces of houses surrounding Charlotte Square at the
other end of the New Town, the challenge of designing a church to
rival St Andrews seems to have inspired him to produce one of
his finest designs. If the Charlotte Square church had been
built as Adam designed it, Edinburgh would have had a building of
which to be proud.
When Robert Adam was asked to provide designs for Charlotte
Square, he included a design for the church intended to go on the
west side of the Square. He integrated the facade of the church
with the elevations of the terraces on either side.
Click to see large image. |
Most of Adams extensive workload was in the domestic
field, either country houses or town houses in London, and it
includes surprisingly few churches. Throughout his career, he
looked for opportunities to design large-scale public buildings, and
in this desire was constantly frustrated - at least on the scale he
longed for. His best opportunities came in Edinburgh, with Register
House and the University,
but the scale of the first of these had to be reduced by almost one
half to be affordable, whilst the second was little more than started
by the time of Adams death and was never completed to the
original designs. A church in such a prominent and prestigious
location as Charlotte Square in Edinburghs New Town would have
given him the opportunity he craved. Unlike St Andrews
Church, the church in Charlotte Square was to occupy the site
reserved for it in James Craigs plan of 1768, and would
terminate the vista along
George Street, one of the principal streets in the New Town.
The church, as seen from the south-east. Towers carrying
cupolas project to left and right at the front, and a dome rises
above the central space. Such an imposing design would have
made a striking termination to the vista along George Street.
Click to see large image. |
The church was intended to be square externally, with towers
projecting at the four corners. The designs show the towers
projecting from the side walls, but offset slightly to the front and
rear. The towers carry cupolas or small domes, and a large dome
rises from the centre of the building. A large octastyle
(literally, eight-pillared) portico is attached to the front of the
church, facing Charlotte Square, and a single-storey apse projects
from the rear wall. The church stands on a plinth or basement,
allowing an impressive flight of steps up to the portico 8
and providing some visual continuity between the rusticated ground
storeys of the two terraced blocks, although no windows are shown at
this lower level on the Charlotte Square elevation and it is not
clear how any basement would have been used. The cornice of the
church is at the same level as the top of the parapet of the two
flanking blocks, also helping to carry the eye along the west side of
the Square. All in all, the church provides a focal point
within the square whilst not shouting its neighbours down.
Adam designed the church with a dome rising above the central
space (which was to be either circular on plan or a cube) and with
the four towers carrying cupolas. The drums of the cupolas and
main dome contrast in such a way as to enhance the effect of movement.
Click to see large image. |
The set of designs for the church on Charlotte Square is
incomplete. The designs 9Adam
produced for the elevations of the
four sides of the Square, at the request of Lord Provost
Stirling, include as part of the proposals for the west side of the
Square an elevation of that facade of the church. Adam also
produced two versions of the plan of the church at entrance level -
one based on a cube and the other based on a sphere and cube -
together with a plan of the church at gallery level relating to the
second of these. 10
No elevations of the other facades of the church survive, nor do any
other details which would be expected to form part of the full set of
designs. It is not known why no other drawings relating to the
scheme survive. It is possible that other drawings have been
destroyed. It is perhaps more likely that because at the time
of Adams death the process of developing Charlotte Square had
not even started and there was no likelihood of the church being
built for some years to come, Adam expected to be able to return to
the project and finish his designs at a later date. Whatever
the explanation, a great deal about the design of the other parts of
the church can be deduced from the surviving drawings, bearing in
mind the classical love of symmetry. The proportions and main
lines of the design are clear from the Charlotte Square facade, and
most of the detail can be inferred from a study of the plans, in
combination with the surviving elevation. The only major
uncertainty exists in the treatment of the apse Adam added to the
rear elevation. Externally, it greatly enhances the "movement"
of the design, but such a form would - if built - have appeared very
like the chancel of an English church, and as such would have been
questioned by the Presbyterians of the Church of Scotland.
Adam added an apse to the rear of the church. It cannot be
disputed that it adds to the movement of the design, but its
resemblance to a church chancel might have given rise to criticism.
Click to see large image. |
Adam turned to various sources for the design. The idea
of a church with four corner towers is not unusual in Italian
Renaissance architecture, and no doubt Adam would have seen examples
during the time he spent in Italy during his late
twenties. An example with which he is likely to have been
very familiar, however, from his long residence in London, is St
Johns, Smith Square, in Westminster. 11
Here, the four towers are topped by lantern-like features, rather
than the cupolas which appear in Adams design. The great
portico of the church must be inspired by the portico at the Temple
of the Sun at Palmyra in modern Syria, an engraving of which appeared
in Robert Woods book, The Ruins of Palmyra, published in
1753. The Palmyra example also has coupled Corinthian pillars
on tall bases, exactly like the portico of Adams church in
Charlotte Square. In this case, Adam left an extra wide gap in
the middle of the portico, opposite the main door, which served the
double purpose of revealing the door and enhancing the sense of
movement within the facade. The towers at either end of the
facade strike a horizontal note, emphasised by their cupolas on top,
which counterbalances the horizontal emphasis of the rest of the
facade, and also produces the sense of movement
which Adam looked for in his designs. The effect which Adam
wanted to produce would have been enhanced by the paved areas
surrounding the church and absence of any graveyard. Most
burials in eighteenth-century Edinburgh were in the large city burial
grounds such as those at Greyfriars 12and
on Calton Hill, and the sites designated by Craig in his New Town
plan for churches are both too small to include a burial ground. 13
The portico of the church has irregularly- spaced columns which
leave an extra-wide space opposite the door. The church which
was built in place of Adam's design has a portico, but it does not
project from the building as this one does.
Click to see large image. |
Adam presented his designs for
Charlotte Square to the city authorities in 1791 and the plans
were formally adopted by them that same year. 14
It was only a few days after his death in March 1792 that the
building plots on the north side of the Square were offered for sale, 15
but sales were slow. In Paris, the Bastille had fallen in 1789,
and although Britain was not yet at war with revolutionary France,
both Austria and Prussia were, and public confidence was low, with
few people willing to spend money on new houses, leading to recession
in the building trade. The many gaps in the western half of the
New Town took a long time to fill, and there was not yet any need for
a second church in the New Town. Britain joined the war against
revolutionary France early in 1793, and what became known as the
Napoleonic Wars lasted almost without a break until the Duke of
Wellingtons victory at Waterloo in 1815. Only in
1810 did the City Council consider that the time had come to build
the church in Charlotte Square. Maps of Edinburgh in the 1790s
had shown the outline of Adams design on the site assigned for
the church, 16
but the City Council expressed fears that Adams design for the
church would prove very expensive to build and decided to commission
a new design. For this, they turned to the establishment
architect in early-19th century Edinburgh, Robert Reid. Reid
was a builder-cum-architect on the old Edinburgh model, prepared both
to design buildings such as the Leith Customs House of 1810-12 and to
build houses in, for example, Charlotte Square to sell on to clients. 17
In doing so, he tried in 1810 to supersede Adams design for
the east side of the Square with a new one of his own, 18
raising protests from other proprietors in the Square. In the
event, he was allowed to modify the centre portion of Adams designs.
The church Reid designed in 181119
uses some of the elements of Adams design, but it is not
integrated into the west side of the Square in the way of
Adams. It is taller than Adams design, and its
portico is recessed into the building rather than projecting from the
front wall. Since it does not possess the basement that
Adams design does, the pillars of the portico are out of scale
with the rest of the Square, unlike the portico in Adams
building. The dome, too, is much larger than the one Adam
designed, as well as being brought forward to sit above the entrance
vestibule of the building rather than the central space.
Reids church possesses none of the "movement" of
Adams design, either towards the Square or to the rear, but is
heavy and lumpish by comparison.
When the city authorities came to build the church on Charlotte
Square, they decided to commission a new design from Robert
Reid. Reid's church takes elements from Adam's design, but is
much heavier in appearance.
Click to see large image. |
Reid rashly estimated that construction of his design would
cost £18,000. It was eventually to cost nearly
£24,000 and almost immediately it had been completed in
1814 it was being compared unfavourably with Adams scheme.
It can hardly be doubted that Adams scheme would have been
more expensive to build, but the magnificence of what would have
proved one of Adams masterpieces would surely have been worth
the extra expense.
Reids church, once it was completed, was dedicated to St
George, and although Adams drawings refer to his design merely
as a church for Charlotte Square, there can be little doubt that had
it been built it too would have been dedicated to St George. St
Andrews Church was intended to stand in St Andrews
Square, and the second church in the New Town would have stood in
what was until 1785 referred to as St Georges Square. The
powerful symbolism of squares named in honour of the patron saints of
the two countries of the United Kingdom being linked by a street
named in honour of the king, thus demonstrating the loyalty of the
City of Edinburgh to the Union, would have been reinforced by the
dedication of Adams church.
The church as Adam designed it would have provided a focal point for
the Square without overpowering the other buildings. The church
which was built does not so much dominate the west side of the Square
as overwhelm it. When St Georges Church developed
structural defects in 1960, it was converted to become West Register House,20
supplementing the work of Adams Register House in
Edinburgh. But before this was done, there had even been talk
of allowing its demolition for road improvements. Had St
Georges been built to Robert Adam's designs, there could never
have been talk of demolishing such a masterpiece.