War Hospital was opened in order to treat the huge increase in shell
shocked officers after the Battle of the Somme. The hospital records show
that 1801 officers were admitted to the hospital during its operation, although
sixty five of these officers were German prisoners of war who had gunshot
wounds, so 1736 patients were shell shocked
officers. The number of admissions varied from 50 to 100 admissions per
month, a reflection of the number of discharged soldiers. The average treatment
period was two to four months and the discharged soldiers were discharged
as medically unfit (DMU) or given Home Service (HS), which was usually a
desk job, transferred to other hospitals or sent back to active service.
records of the officers at Craiglockhart show a variety of diagnoses for
their admissions. Some administrators seemed to be reluctant to provide
a diagnosis of 'shell shock' or admit why the officers were there. Some
of the diagnoses used were: