select west on compass
Erik Bloodaxe - Tides of change

Spread the word

Spread rumour over all the seas that 'Erik Bloodaxe' isn't called 'Erik Bloodaxe' for nothing! Your enemies will be so afraid, they will surrender to you as ruler.

Viking warrior
intro and mission

Tell tales

You return to Norway with tales of your adventures so far. People will be impressed with your achievements and you will be respected as a warrior of the Norse people.

Villainous Viking

Follow in the footsteps of your Viking ancestors – make continued brutal attacks on the north and western shores. You will gain loot, people will fear you, and it will boost your army's ego a little.

How can you earn a bad reputation?

Play a card.

Luck card
Safety card
the facts
scenario 1
scenario 2 selected
scenario 3
scenario 4
Attack card