scenario 4
south selected on compass
select west on compass
James 1 - The 'law giver' king
intro and mission

Correct answer

Excellent, James, excellent! You ambush and arrest almost 50 of the most powerful Highland chiefs. Unfortunately Alexander, Lord of the Isles evades capture and returns to the west. Good riddance! You'll deal with him later.

Crown of thorns

Strategy card
scenario 1 selected
scenario 2
scenario 3
the facts

Once again, your deceit has caused unrest among the political community. This is a controversial move, which has earned you a worse reputation among the Gaelic aristocracy in the north and west.

Alexander, Lord of the Isles is on the war path. In 1431, he defeats your army at Inverlochy. You are forced to submit to his command of the west. The Lords of the Isles are adamant to retain control of their lands and titles. Never mind, you still have a substantial kingdom.

Site of the battle between the armies of Alexander, Lord of the Isles and James I. Inverlochy Castle, painted by Horatio McCulloch in 1857.
Map showing Inverness, where James I met with the Highland chiefs, 1428.
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An unsympathetic portrayal of Gaelic or Irish culture. An Irish chief at his table, from John Derricke's Image of Irelande, 1581.