south selected on compass
select west on compass
 David I - Migrating from the south

Gently land landed gentry

There is a lot of unpopulated, very fertile land in the region south of the Firth of Forth. Offer some of this land to wealthy and powerful Anglo-Norman nobility. Build more monastries to bring Scotland up to scratch with England's religious communities.

David I
intro and mission

A Norman conquest in Scotland

Put your Norman friends into offices everywhere in your kingdom. This will root out all native Gaelic lords and encourage more Anglo-Normans from the south.

Marriage of convenience

Find a nice young debutante and marry into a powerful Anglo-Norman family. This will lend you political alliances and may encourage them to join you in Scotland.

What could you do to encourage wealthy and powerful
Anglo-Norman families to Scotland?

Which card will you play?

Strategy Card
force card
the facts
scenario 4
scenario 3
alliance card
scenario 1 selected
scenario 2