Statue in Leith
Mausoleum, Dumfries
Queen Laying Wreath at Mausoleum
Burns Statue Unveiling - Dumfries 1882
Burns Statue, Dumfries - Present Day
Statue in New York
Burns Supper, 1960
any towns and cities in both Scotland and the outside world showed their appreciation of Burns by erecting monuments and memorials. From Leith in Edinburgh to Central Park in New York, prominent statues of the poet were built. The interest and pride shown towards him can be seen in the size of the crowd who turned out to see the unveiling of the Burns Statue in Dumfries. Just as enduring has been the celebration of the poet's life and works in Burns Night suppers, held on the day of his birthday, the 25th of January. These events, held all over the world, consist of the eating of the traditional haggis, the recital of Burns' poetry and the drinking of whisky.