Red Clydeside: A history of the labour movement in Glasgow 1910-1932


Diagram of George Square used by defence lawyers in trial of Emanuel Shinwell, Apr 1919

image from Red Clydeside collection

Following the events of Bloody Friday, the leaders of the 40 hour strike were arrested and charged with incitement to riot. These leaders included Emanuel Shinwell, William Gallacher and David Kirkwood.

This plan of George Square was used by the defence lawyers of Emanuel Shinwell and others at their trial in April 1919. The plan was used in an attempt to show the jury that the riot which took place was caused by the police and not by the strike leaders accused of inciting the crowd to riot.

The jury at the High Court in Edinburgh failed to be convinced by the defence, and both Shinwell and Gallacher were found guilty and sentenced to five months imprisonment.

Source: Glasgow Trades Council Collection, Glasgow City Archives