Red Clydeside: A history of the labour movement in Glasgow 1910-1932

Political cartoons

The Labour press in Britain enthusiastically seized the potential which the political cartoon gave them to get across their message to their supporters and potential supporters. Radical and left-wing cartoonists used their skills to highlight the perceived injustices of the established political order and to put forward socialist, Marxist or anarchist solutions to the major political problems of the period.

In terms of propaganda, the left-wing cartoon was invaluable to those who sought to propagate socialist and Marxist thinking amongst the working classes. Importantly, its message could be carried in window displays, on leaflets and banners, and as posters, at a time when the majority of newspapers were hostile to the aspirations of the labour movement.

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Cartoon comparing aristocratic consumption with workers poverty

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Cartoon comparing the fate of politicians and working men

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Cartoon depicting a greedy landlord

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Cartoon depicting capitalists and landlords versus workers

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Cartoon depicting eviction of soldier's family

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Cartoon depicting twin evils of landlordism and capitalism

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Cartoon entitled 'Business: better than usual'

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Cartoon entitled 'Death and the profit = ghouls'

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Cartoon entitled 'Enlist!'

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Cartoon entitled 'Forward turns the spotlight on the robbers'

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Cartoon entitled 'Solving the Irish question'

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Cartoon entitled 'The great delusion'

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Cartoon entitled 'The Labour Party rescues the unemployed'

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Cartoon entitled 'The Patriot'

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Postcards depicting prison conditions of first world war consciencious objectors