Stained Glass Window - SMC098
the south wall of the south transept of St Magnus Cathedral
is a stained glass window of Einar I, Earl of Orkney, also
known as Torf-Einar.
Torf-Einar was the illegitimate son of Earl Rognvald of Møre.
He was Earl of Orkney from about 892-946 after receiving the
Earldom from his father. Rognvald had originally given the
Earldom to his brother, Sigurd I. It then passed to Sigurd's
son, Gutham, then Rognvald's son, Hallad.
The Orkneyinga Saga states that Einar I got his name because
he introduced the burning of peat, or 'torf' to Orkney. However,
there is no evidence for this. This window is another of Oscar