select west on compass
intro and mission

Correct answer – You have 'new faith'

You build a church at Birsay which becomes the seat of Orkney's first bishop. You assert new laws which spread the word of Christianity and set about eliminating the old ways on the Islands.

Get down to some serious converting!

the facts
scenario 1
scenario 2
scenario 3
scenario 4 selected

You have successfully been converted from a fierce warrior to a responsible Christian leader.

Your territories are well-governed. Your palace is closely situated to the Church of Orkney's first bishop.

Christianity is really starting to take on in your territories. You've done well. Soon the whole north will be converted.

new scenario button
the outcome
Baptism of a pagan. Bloodlines of Earl Thorfinn, 'the Mighty', the first of the Orkney Earls to give one of his sons a Christian name – 'Paul'.
Remains of the apse of the church at Birsay, Orkney. Built by Earl Thorfinn for the first bishop of Orkney.