south selected on compass
select west on compass
William Wallace - Fighting for freedom

Boost your image

Reward yourself for all your hard work. Build an impressive castle with European materials. Use it as your headquarters, where you can carve out Scotland as an independent kingdom again.

intro and mission

Trading places

Restore trade links with Europe. Recently, the good trading links which were established in the 11th and 12th centuries have been neglected. Scotland can become a booming economy once more.

Send them homewards

Gather another army and attack Edward's realm. This would be a decisive move in propaganda. Your motto could be 'The Scots are unstoppable'.

Now you are 'Guardian of Scotland', what will you do with your authority?

Which card will you play?

reward card
strategy card
scenario 1
scenario 2
scenario 3 selected
scenario 4
the facts
force card