
Portrait of Jean Armour Burns with Highland Mary Bible Given to Highland Mary “Clarinda” Bark Inscription Brow Well - Postcard Brow Well - Modern View Funeral Scene

Framed engraving of 'Clarinda' (Mrs.Agnes McLehose)

The Poet Robert Burns having achieved his initial fame was living in Edinburgh during the winter of 1787 when he met a society lady named Mrs. Agnes McLehose. A friendship developed and she and the Poet had a correspondence she being named Clarinda and he being Sylvander.

The engraving by Alex. Banks is taken from a silhouette by John Miers a noted illustrator of the time. From this silhouette it can be seen why Burns was attracted to her obvious beauty.

John Miers the artist was a skilful taker of silhouette portraits was from Leeds and spent time in Edinburgh. He produced some of his work in ivory and his portrait of Clarinda was used by Burns as a breast pin. Miers the artist was a skilful taker of silhouette portraits was from Leeds and spent time in Edinburgh. He produced some of his work in ivory and his portrait of Clarinda was used by Burns as a breast pin.

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