Red Clydeside: A history of the labour movement in Glasgow 1910-1932


The Scottish Worker, 10 May 1926

Official Organ of the Scottish Trades Union Congress

image from Red Clydeside collection

Front page of the first issue of 'The Scottish Worker - Official Organ of the Scottish Trades Union Congress', published by the STUC on a daily basis throughout the 1926 general strike.

The paper was published ostensibly to combat the anti-strike propaganda of the Tory press during the general strike of 1926 and to keep strikers informed of the strength of the general strike in different areas of the country and at national level.

The paper contains two articles relating to the general strike of 1926. The first, entitled "Stand Fast! - the greatest response in history", salutes the work done up till then by the local strike committees and calls for unity amongst striking Scottish workers. The second article assures strikers that the strike is holding throughout Britain.

Source: Gallacher Memorial Library, Glasgow Caledonian University Special Collections and Archives