Red Clydeside: A history of the labour movement in Glasgow 1910-1932


The Red Army: Revolutionary Poems, Mar 1919

by Tom Anderson

image from Red Clydeside collection

Cover of pamphlet entitled 'The Red Army - Revolutionary Poems' by John S. Clarke, Albert Young and Tom Anderson, published by the Proletarian School in Glasgow in 1919.

John S. Clarke, one of the co-authors of this pamphlet, was a prominent member of the Socialist Labour Party in Glasgow who wrote widely for different socialist publications including the Socialist and the Worker. Clarke would later become an influential member of the Communist Party of Great Britain.

Tom Anderson was a member of the Marxist Social Democratic Federation and was the person responsible for establishing the Proletarian Sunday Schools in Glasgow. Anderson was also a trusted political ally and close friend of the Clydeside revolutionary John Maclean.

Source: Gallacher Memorial Library, Glasgow Caledonian University Special Collections and Archives