Playbills of the Theatre Royal Edinburgh

National Library of Scotland



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Playbill advertising a performance of The Jealous Wife at the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh
Playbill advertising a performance of The Jealous Wife at the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh :click to view larger image
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Title: The Jealous Wife
The Highland Reel (subperformance)
O Nanny will thou Gang wi' Me' (subperformance)
My Ain Kind Dearie O' (subperformance)
Bailie Nicol; or, Nicoll Jarvie's Journey to Aberfoil (subperformance)
The Dougal Creature's Account o' Hersel' (subperformance)
beneficiary: Mr Garbutt
performer: The Junior Miss Worgman
performer: Mr Simpson
performer: Mr MacKay
performer: Mr Duff
associated author: Sir Walter Scott
playwright: George Colman, the Elder
likely composer of 'The Highland Reel': William Shield
likely librettist of 'The Highland Reel': John O'Keefe
playwright: George Colman, the Elder
Location: Theatre Royal, Shakespere Square, Edinburgh
date of performance: 26 May 1819

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