Alexander Crawford Lamb was a native of Dundee, and was born on
21st February 1843. The son of the late Mr Thomas Lamb, a notable
personage in the annals of the city, and founder of Lamb’s Temperance
Hotel, he was educated at the High School, and thereafter, being
destined for a commercial career, placed in a position to acquire
a thoroughly practical knowledge of the baking and confectionery
trade. On the completion of his apprenticeship he went to Liverpool,
Manchester, and to Edinburgh for the purpose of being initiated
in the details of hotel management. The experience gained in these
cities stood him in good stead in after years. As is well known,
Lamb’s Hotel is not only one of the most reputable but one of
the largest establishments of the kind in the country, and the
control and management of its affairs call for no ordinary business
aptitude and knowledge. Soon after returning to Dundee, and while
still a young man, Mr Lamb’s possession of these qualities was
put to the test. Assuming first the charge of the working department
– that is the baking and confectionery branches - he succeeded
so well that by and by he became right-hand man to his father,
then advanced in years, but still vigorous, enterprising and resourceful.
The Murraygate hotel, which was first acquired and run on temperance
principles about 1828, was for a time conducted along with the
branch establishment in Reform Street; but by and by the former
was given up, and sole attention bestowed on the Reform Street
property. The present splendid building was erected and inaugurated
shortly before the visit of the British Association to the city
in 1867, and two years thereafter Mr Thomas Lamb, the father,
died. Practically the sole responsibility of the conducting of
the extensive establishment then devolved upon Mr A. C. Lamb,
although he was ably seconded by his mother, his sister (both
since dead), and his younger brother. In the subsequent period
the hotel and its connections have steadily progressed in public
favour, and at the present time no better or more widely known
hotel exists in the country. As a caterer and purveyor, the position
occupied by Mr Lamb was unique. Soirees and conversaziones in
the winter, and picnics in the summer months, were supplied to
the number sometimes of a dozen daily, and as these required personal
attendance and supervision some idea of the demand made on Mr
Lamb’s time and energies may be obtained. However, he was a born
organiser, a master of details; and engagements which, owing to
their number and complexity, would have caused dismay to a less
equable tempered and administrative mind, were accomplished promptly
and satisfactorily.
actively and apparently wholly immersed in business matters, it
was remarkable how Mr Lamb found time to devote to literary and
antiquarian pursuits. And yet it is by the work which he was able
to achieve in this direction that his name and reputation were
made. Early in life Mr Lamb’s artistic taste and love of research
into the old and historically interesting conspicuously showed
themselves, and with rare discretion he began to gather together
a collection of modern pictures which in course of years became
of considerable value. Conjointly with the pursuit of this hobby
he evinced a keen appreciation of rare literary works, and as
a persistent hunter and purchaser of these his name was known
far and wide among the bibliophiles of the past and present generation.
The walls of his house was adorned by numerous valuable paintings,
while in his private library his shelves were enriched by several
unique quarto and folio Shakespeare’s, a complete copy of the
first Kilmarnock edition of Burns’ poems, and many first prints
of the works of Scott, Dickens, and Ruskin. Other volumes representative
of all that is best in British and foreign literature found their
way into Mr Lamb’s possession, and testified to the catholicity
of his taste. Nor in the ownership of these literary and art treasures
did he display any selfish or narrow spirit. To Exhibitions held
in our midst he was ever a ready and prominent contributor; and
it may be remembered that at the recent Burns Exhibition in Glasgow,
in the promotion of which he took a leading part, his specimens
of the ploughman bard attracted the notice of book-lovers far
and near.
What he did to keep alive in the recollection of an age too apt
to forget such things the honoured traditions of Dundee is of
so recent date that it need hardly be mentioned. Many years have
elapsed since he first realised that, owing to the zeal of the
municipal rulers for improvements in the interests of public health,
there was danger that, in the clearance, traces of the old burgh
and the records of other days would be irretrievably lost. No
one seemed disposed to make any effort to preserve these memorials.
Mr Lamb accordingly remedied the deficiency - filled the breach
as it were - and, learning the use of the camera, he began with
his usual enthusiasm to photograph some of the older structures
that were doomed, and to collect from every available source drawings
of buildings that had already been laid low. In this way was started
what in result turned out to be a collection of local antiquities
of great importance. Views of old buildings, examples of early
and recent typography, consecutive specimens of Dundee journalism,
coins, medals, and tokens connected with the ancient Royalty,
and relics of almost every conceivable kind illustrative of the
evolution of the city’s trade and commerce, were obtained, carefully
stored, and zealously guarded. This in due time led Mr Lamb to
entertain the project of holding an exhibition of “Old Dundee”
curiosities. When he ultimately brought the idea before the community
it was taken up with great heartiness, and from all quarters articles
having a direct relation to the town as it existed in early times
were forwarded. Mr Lamb exerted himself night and day in arranging
and cataloguing the exhibits, his own stack of rarities was largely
drawn upon, and, was to be expected, the show, which remained
open for public inspection for fully four months, proved a decided
success. For his labours and interest on that occasion Mr Lamb
was made the recipient of an album containing a series of photographs
of the exhibition from various points of view, along with an address.
The terms of the address were as follows:- “Presented to Alexander
C. Lamb, Esq., by the Hon. the Lord Provost, on behalf of the
citizens of Dundee, in grateful acknowledgement of the successful
projection and organisation in 1892-93 of the “Old Dundee” Exhibition,
and also invaluable service, involving much patient labour, rendered
during a period of upwards of 20 years in the elucidation of the
ancient history of Dundee, and the acquisition at great personal
expense of a marvellous collection - pictorial, typographical,
and industria l- illustrating its history, which in all probability
would otherwise have been lost, and which, with much public-spiritedness,
he has always readily placed at the service of his fellow-citizens.”
No sooner was this event past than another and greater - the chef-d’ouevre,
indeed, of Mr lamb’s life - speedily followed. This was the publication
of “Dundee: Its Quaint and Historic Buildings”- a work on which
he had been engaged for many years, on which he bestowed enormous
time and trouble, and which entailed upon him the expenditure
of a large sum of money. The book consists of numerous plates
of antique and picturesque buildings, drawn by Mr William Gibb,
the well-known Edinburgh artist; early maps, dating from the thirteenth
century to the present day, in which Dundee is named; and plans
of the burgh in olden time. Extended letterpress descriptions,
forming a valuable condensed history of the progress of the town,
were also given. When the monumental work saw the light of day
it was hailed with unqualified terms of praise, not only locally,
but all over the country. Eulogistic reviews of it appeared in
the principal newspapers, and Her Majesty the Queen, to whom the
work was dedicated, and who accepted a specially-prepared copy,
showed a personal interest which must have been as gratifying
to the author as it was a source of pride to the community. The
book was readily subscribed for, and the limited number of copies
issued were soon all taken up. The Town Council entered upon their
minutes their appreciation of Mr lamb’s services on this occasion.
Sir James Low, the then Lord Provost, voiced the feeling of his
colleagues and the citizens generally when, in words of warm eulogy,
he said
Mr Lamb had by his labours placed his native city under a deep
debt of gratitude to him.
Mr Lamb’s latest enterprise was the holding of an Exhibition,
consisting of his collection of MSS., rare editions, and engravings
illustrative of the works of Burns, Scott and Shakespeare. The
exhibits numbered over 1000, and were of unique interest. At the
opening ceremony due recognition was made of the generosity and
public spirit which had led Mr lamb to again open his treasures
to the inspection of his fellow-citizens. The Rev. Dr Campbell,
Sir John Leng - who had suggested the Exhibition - and others
warmly eulogised Mr Lamb’s generous and indefatigable labours
in connection with the Exhibition, which was largely visited by
all classes, especially during the New Year’s holidays.
In 1878, Mr Lamb was elected a member of the Society of Antiquaries,
and when Dundee was raised to the dignity of a county he was made
a Justice of the Peace. As a member of the Fine Art Committee,
of the Graphic Arts Association, of the Edinburgh Bibliographical
Society, and kindred Societies, he ever displayed a warm and practical
interest in art, and counted among his personal friends some of
the most distinguished painters of the day. He was associated
with several of the literary organisations in the town, and acted
as Treasurer of the recently formed Burns Society. Mr Lamb’s personal
character earned for him hosts of friends. Of a genial disposition,
ever ready to oblige and further any laudable object, he was of
the type of citizen whose loss to the community it would be impossible
to over-estimate. Mr Lamb, who was 54 years of age, leaves a widow
and a family of two sons and four daughters.
The name of A. C. Lamb was well known in both artistic and literary
circles as that of a collector of more than average discretion.
Many years ago he devoted his attention to works of art, and he
formed a cabinet of rare and excellent examples of modern pictures.
He was catholic in his artistic tastes, and did not make the collecting
of pictures by one artist the ‘fad’ which it has become with many
collectors. He had amongst his most valued pictorial possessions
works by artists so widely apart as Edouard Frewe and H. Stacey
Marks, and he had as fine a selection of pencil-sketches and pictures
by Sam Bough as could readily be found in Scotland. The collecting
of rare old engravings was also one of his delights. Though not
a practical artist he had keen artistic instincts, and could pick
out the beauties and the blemishes in picture, sketch, or engraving
with ease and certainty. In the course of years of patient collecting
he brought together a vast number of engravings of the last century
- line engravings, Bartolozzi prints, and mezzotints, many of
which are of great rarity and value. A short time ago he made
an exhibition of these in the Victoria Art Galleries, and had
such a display been made in London the metropolitan press would
have been loud in its praise. The interest which Mr Lamb took
in this department of art naturally led him to direct his notice
to art books. He thus became known to the principal London dealers
in antique books with rare illustrations. There was recently shown
in Dundee his “Graingerised” edition of Sir Walter Scott’s works
with thousands of interpolated pictures - a series that is quite
unique and of considerable value. Many illustrated works of equal
rarity were collected by him from numerous sources. First editions
of such works were, of course, least readily obtainable, but the
very existence of this difficulty only made it an additional incentive
to secure the prize. Thus he was gradually brought to look for
rare first editions of printed books, even without illustrations.
He took up the subject of Burns, for instance, and by patience
and discretion he brought together one of the finest Burns collections
in the possession of any private person in Scotland. Amongst the
special editions of Burns which he had there was a unique copy
of the first Kilmarnock edition, in the original binding, and
in perfect condition, some of the leaves having been unopened,
thus proving its rarity and perfect state. The gathering together
of rare editions of Shakespeare arose out of his devotion to Burns.
The numerous visitors to the Burns-Shakespeare-Scott exhibition,
recently held by Mr Lamb in Dundee, have only to look at the printed
catalogue of that exhibition to find how valuable were the works
exhibited. The folio editions of Shakespeare in the collection
included copies of some of the very rarest, apart from the extremely
rare first folio. Another department of antique art and letters
which Mr lamb cultivated was that of illuminated missals of the
fifteenth sixteenth centuries, and not a few valuable specimens
are in the collection. Whatever Mr Lamb undertook in this way
was done thoroughly. When he took up a subject, he spared no pains
to get the best that bore upon it. Thus when he began to collect
portraits of Admiral Duncan, he gradually weeded out the commoner
engravings which he first collected, and replaced them by rarer
specimens. But it is in connection with the history of Dundee
that Mr Lamb’s name deserves most to be held in remembrance. Beginning
with the gathering together of sketches of old quarters of the
city that had been removed during the alterations carried out
under the Improvement Act, he gradually extended his ideas regarding
the subject. He began to collect documents bearing upon the history
of the ancient buildings, and was very successful in forming a
reference collection of these which has no parallel in Dundee.
Every department of municipal life came under his notice. Annual
reports of Religious, Social, Literary, and Musical Associations
that are long since extinct were acquired by him whenever they
came in his way, and the result is that the veritable annals of
these Societies may be easily made out from the systematic arrangement
by which the reports are classified. It will be a grave misfortune
for Dundee if this collection, the labour of many years, should
be dispersed. It is clearly the duty of the community to acquire
these for public preservation, and this form of commemorating
Mr Lamb’s name as a devoted citizen of Dundee commends itself
as appropriate. The magnificent volume of “Dundee: Its Quaint
and Historic Buildings,” will serve to keep his name in memory
throughout the country for many years and it will still further
realise the idea which he had preserving all that could be gathered
bearing upon the past and present history of Dundee.
Few citizens there are who did not feel on hearing the sad news
of Mr Lamb’s unexpected death that his loss was, in the fullest
sense, a civic one, and one which has left Dundee a much poorer
town than it was before. But, widespread as this feeling will
be, it is only those who knew Mr Lamb most intimately who will
be able to altogether realise the magnitude of the loss to Dundee.
He was certainly her most enthusiastic and devoted son, and to
justify - for he would have repudiated the word “glorify” - to
justly vindicate her position among the cities of Scotland had
long been the engrossing object of his existence. To accomplish
this he had devoted most of his life since the attainment of manhood,
and for this object he grudged neither time nor money. Not that
he was at all a man of one idea, for one of wider sympathies and
greater public spirit did not exist. Few indeed were the public
interests for which he did not care, or the philanthropic causes
to which he did not open his purse; but still these, frequently
recurring as they did, were but the incidents which interrupted
for a moment, but did not divert, the main purpose of a life devoted
to one ideal. He frequently told the writer of the circumstances
under which, when quite a young man, he made the first purchase
of an object illustrative of the history of his native city, little
realising at the time that this was the vital turning-point of
his career, and that for a quarter of a century such purchases
were to increase until they formed a gigantic and unrivalled collection.
To the formation of this he devoted the unwearied patience to
which most things ultimately come, the most courteous and consummate
tact, and an unerring instinct amounting to positive genius in
discovering in places at once unlikely an obscure rare valuable
example, for the acquisition of which his generosity of disposition
never allowed expense to stand in the way. Not that he could not
estimate clearly the real money value of any article bargained
for; a thorough business man, he could when occasion demanded
negotiate such matters in a strictly business manner, but these
coveted specimens were very largely in the possession of old Dundee
persons and families, many of whom had fallen into rather necessitous
circumstances, and in such cases he was generous to a fault. In
this manner were acquired pictures, prints, coins, medals, manuscripts,
books, and innumerable other publications printed in the city,
with a wealth of antiquarian relics of all kinds throwing light
on the development of Dundee. When he began to purchase in early
youth he had no special object in his mind beyond that of acquiring
- for he was a born collector - but as the collection grew in
size his ideas also enlarged, and for many years his definite
object was to utilise his collection and the results of his researches
in the production of a work illustrating the ancient history of
Dundee. When this idea had clearly shaped itself in his mind he
devoted himself to its accomplishment with characteristic vigour
and self-sacrifice. His first special endeavour was to obtain
reliable illustrations of the older and quainter portions of the
city - .then fast disappearing before the exertions of the sanitary
reformer. Although not a day too soon, in this he achieved great
success, and whilst the greatness of the idea grew upon him, and
the artistic merits of the first sketches made ceased to satisfy
him, yet the main object had been accomplished, and reliable drawings
from the veritable old streets and houses had been obtained before
these were demolished. At very considerable expense, the genuine
features of these original drawings, unaltered in any way, were
rendered with greater artistic beauty by the British artists of
highest distinction in this department of art, and the result
may be seen in the Book.
Then on the historical and literary side of the work more than
a dozen years were spent in patient and exhaustive examination
of national and municipal archives and private title deeds and
papers. Even the ‘Old Dundee’ Exhibition, of the Sub-Committee
of which Mr Lamb was Convenor, was practically an incident in
the production of the Book. Large as Mr Lamb’s own collection
was, it was understood that there were many interesting and valuable
paintings, books, and other relics in the possession of old Dundee
families, and these the Exhibition brought into the light of day.
Highly successful as an Exhibition, it showed, however, how valuable
and full was Mr Lamb’s collection, and, although its financial
non-success rather disappointed him, he consoled himself when
it was found that even in the great metropolis of the West the
“Old Glasgow” Exhibition which followed ours has a still worse
experience, as had also the magnificent Glasgow Burns Exhibition
of last year. The explanation seems to be that to such exhibitions
one or more visits seem to suffice, whilst Fine Arts Exhibitions
attract visitors again and again.
But the ‘Old Dundee’ Exhibition was valuable also in effectively
displaying the richness of the material available for a proper
history of Dundee, and so paved the way for the appearance 2 years
later of Mr Lamb’s monumental work, “Dundee: its Quaint and Historic
Buildings.” It is unnecessary to repeat here what has already
been said in our columns illustrative of the magnificence of that
book, alike in its literary, artistic, and typographical aspects.
Few citizens there are who have not seen the work and felt proud
of it and of the ancient city of which it is the grandest monument.
That such legitimate pride did not arise from mere natural civic
partiality was
proved by the cordial reception the book met with from the most
exacting critics of the principal literary reviews in Great Britain,
and from the great national libraries of this country and France.
This latter recognition was the only one which seemed to gratify
Mr Lamb - he experienced the feeling which all skilled craftsmen
realise when those competent to judge approve of their work. As
for the work itself, he always spoke of it as a duty -he had done
it all for the sake of dear old Dundee, and if her beauty and
her dignified historic past were only generally recognised he
felt more than repaid.
But, as we have already said, large as was the space which his
Dundee work occupied in the life of Mr Lamb, it did not entirely
occupy it to the exclusion of everything else. He was an all-round
collector, with all the most typical characteristics of the race,
and his fellow - citizens benefited from his exertions in other
fields besides that of the antiquary. Two winters ago he covered
the walls of one of the Victoria Galleries with a most beautiful
collection of rare engravings and etchings, all from his own collection,
and valuable not merely financially and artistically, but also
exceedingly precious as constituting a pictorial history of that
delightful art from its discovery nearly five centuries ago. The
same gallery was filled during the past winter with, if possible,
a still more interesting Exhibition - a splendid collection of
the works of Shakespeare, Burns, and Scott, with numerous portraits
and illustrations of those giants of literature. Both these Exhibitions
attracted troops of visitors, and the recent one proved so successful
that it was arranged to reopen it during the summer months for
the benefit of the large number of strangers who then visit the
city. But even these large and valuable collections by no means
exhausted the literary, artistic, and antiquarian repositories
of Mr Lamb.
A member of the Victoria Galleries Fine Art Committee for 20 years,
he was also personally a liberal and discriminating patron of
Art - possessing a fine collection of paintings, in which may
distinguished names are represented - his examples of the renowned
painter Sam Bough being remarkably fine. He also possessed a large
and valuable numismatic collection, had formed a charming one
of rare china and porcelain, and had many fine ivories, rare flint
implements, and other articles fancied by collation of literary
treasures besides those relating to Dundee and to Shakespeare,
Burns, and Scott. All these he held - as genuine public-spirited
collectors always do hold them - not to be jealously kept for
his own exclusive gratification, but in trust for his less fortunate
fellow-citizens. To them, and even to strangers, his rich and
varied collections were always open, and much of his time was
occupied in antiquarian and family searches on behalf of inquirers
from all parts of the world. Yet, wide as was the range of his
collections, and wider still as were his sympathies, it is as
the unique Dundee collector and chronicler that he will be, as
he desired to be, remembered, and that, we may safely assert,
will be as long as Dundee survives as a city, or even as a name.
And now in the hour of his sudden removal from the wife and children
to whom he was so tenderly attached, and from the citizens who
so deeply valued and respected him, is it not possible to find
one consolatory feature? - the consciousness that, although leaving
us at so comparatively early an age, he had yet been spared to
do his great work, to accomplish with a success acknowledged by
all men the special work his hands had found to do. This work
had his unselfish devotion to a high ideal are our valuable possessions
still - richly valuable in themselves, and still more in teaching
to an age so much given to personal aims and aggrandisement the
much-needed lesson of unselfish devotion to the public weal.

Lamb Collection
Local Studies Department, Central Library, Dundee

With thanks to Anne Whigham for her invaluable help by typing the copy!