"Adam Glen was long a favourite in every farmers' village
and fair in the west of Angus-shire. He was an excellent performer
on the bag-pipe, a faithful reciter of our ancient ballads
and in every way an eccentric character. In the Memorable
year of Mar's rebellion he joined the battalion of his country
on its march to Sheriffmuir and he remained behind, winding
his warlike instrument in the front and fire of the enemy
and fell on the field of battle, November 13th, 1715 in the
ninetieth year of his age. A few months before his death he
married his eighth wife, a maiden of forty-five." From
The Piper's Assistant, 1854.
"Pawky" - An old Scots word meaning someone who
has or shows a dry sense of humour which includes a shrewd
and down-to-earth criticism of hypocrisy or pretension. (Collins
Scots Dictionary).
Adam Glen - 3/4 air - Pipers Assistant, McLachlan,
"Pawky" Adam Glen
From The Pipers Assistant